Generally, the personal information we collect and store consists of your name, address (including email address) and contact details (which may include home, business and mobile phone numbers). It is possible that where a specific product or service is involved, we may collect personal information from you that relates to that particular product, service or warranty repair. We may also collect personal and non-identifying information from your use of your appliances supplied by us, through your appliance, to you as well as equipment information (such as network interface addresses and appliance location) or when you sign up or use our mobile applications.
The information that we collect from you when you interact with us online depends on the tasks you complete on the Sites or through the use of our products. From time to time, you may be able to interact with us anonymously or by pseudonym. However, if you choose not to provide us with certain personal information, we are unlikely to be able to provide you with the products or services that you want or to respond to your inquiry or you may not be able to access and use all of the functions and features of our appliances or mobile applications.
You understand that any information or materials that you (or individuals acting on your behalf or under your account) provide to us are not considered confidential or proprietary, and Electrolux does not have any obligations of confidentiality in relation to your personal information or to you.
(I) BROWSING SITES AND USING OUR PRODUCTSWhen you visit and browse through our Sites or use our products, we collect data for statistical and maintenance purposes that enable us to evaluate the performance of our Sites or products. Such general information includes:
- the number of users visiting our Sites or using our products and the number of pages viewed;
- the date, time and duration of visits; and
- the path taken through our Sites.
This information will not identify you and we will not combine it with any information in a manner whereby we can identify you.
(II) APPLYING FOR A PRODUCT OR SERVICE, REQUESTING INFORMATION ONLINE OR USING “CONTACT US" We need to obtain personal information from you in order to complete your online application for product or service information. When completing Product Registration or requesting other product or service information or when using contact us you will need to complete an online form on this Site. Our online forms will ask you to provide personal information for contact purposes, for example, your name, own address, e-mail address, telephone number (which may include home, business or mobile numbers) and purchase information. You will have the right to choose whether or not to provide additional personal information.
(III) E-MAILSYou can contact us by e-mail via the link on this Site. You have the choice of whether or not to provide personal information other than your name and e-mail address.
(IV) MOBILE APPLICATIONSIn addition, we may provide or make available mobile applications in conjunction with our products and services. If so, then you may be required to sign up for a user account to access and otherwise use the full features and functionality of the mobile applications. As part of the sign-up process, we will collect personal information from you to enable us to set up your online account for use with the mobile applications. The personal information includes, your name, address, email address and other relevant information. If you do not provide us with such personal information, then we may not be able to set up your online account. If so, then you may not be able to access or use the full features and functionality of the mobile applications or the applicable appliances. You may share information and materials with us ("user content") through the mobile applications, including scanned materials, images, photos, ratings and user data. The user content may contain personal information.
You allow us to access, collect and use your user content according to our terms of use for mobile applications. You must ensure that any user content is fully owned by you or you have obtained all required consent or licenses to provide such user content, including to allow us to access, collect and use such user content.